Quiz #1: About Guitars


Here’s today’s quiz –

How much do you know about guitars and guitar terminology?
Do you know how to tune a ukulele?
Do you know how many strings a bass guitar has?
Don’t forget to Enter Here for the chance to win a guitar, ukulele, or equivalent value Amazon gift card.
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Be sure to enter the Draw for a Guitar, Ukulele, or equivalent value Amazon gift card.

Nice try. New draws every week.

Be sure to enter the Draw for a Guitar, Ukulele, or equivalent value Amazon gift card.

#1. Which number fret is referred to as the “octave fret”?

#2. When you move from fret 2 to fret 3 on any string how much does the pitch change?

#3. A handy phrase for remembering how to tune your guitar is…

#4. An electric guitar has how many pickups?

#5. In standard tuning the third string (third thinnest) is tuned to what note?

#6. If you were playing the D major scale up the D string, what sequence of frets would you use?


Be sure to enter for the chance to win a guitar, ukulele, or equivalent value Amazon gift card. New draw every month.

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