Is learning to read traditional music important for guitar players? Can you play guitar at a reasonably high level without learning to read music? Many guitar players and teachers argue that what is important for guitar players is to be spontaneous and creative: that playing from music holds them back and discourages them from thinking
Hurry and signup for a membership in the Woolwich Good Vibrations Music Club. We are giving away 10 FREE-for -a-Year Memberships. Sign up now and pay nothing until next March. Sign Up HERE
Learn Guitar by Playing Simple Songs It is a challenge for a new guitar player to feel comfortable moving around the fretboard. Playing scales and exercises is one way to improve your guitar playing skills. An even better way is to play simple songs like the ones here. These and many other playalong songs are
Here’s a great way to get going on the guitar. 4 Skills for New Guitar Players shows you how to play simple melodies, how to play chords, and how to strum along with songs. Get it now while it’s free!