Category: General

Oskar is our first winner

Pictured here is Oskar Verrinder being presented a Denver guitar by Rick Hendershot, on behalf of the Good Vibrations Music Club. Oskar is the first winner of the Good Vibrations monthly draw. Oskar’s mother, Valentina, is also learning to play the guitar. Next month’s prize will be a Denver ukulele kindly provided by Long and

What key is this?

You want to play along with a song but you don’t know what key it’s in. How do you figure it out? The simple fact is…most popular or traditional songs end on the root note of the major scale they are written in. This is known as the “anchor tone” around which the song is

New Group Courses Released

Introductory courses for guitar and ukulele beginners will soon be available for local (Waterloo Region) use at community facilities, schools, libraries and seniors facilities. The courses will feature recordings of live lesson presentations, gradually stepping through the various phases of learning how to play the ukulele or guitar. See Uke for Seniors for more info.

Buying a Starter Guitar

If you’re thinking of getting started playing guitar, here is some information that may be useful. You can find reviews of two other starter guitars on this page: Buying a Starter Guitar. The most important factors for most people just starting out on the guitar are: First, the size of the guitar. If it is

Show Us Your Stuff

Join our Facebook Group – Young Musicians in Waterloo Region – Post pictures and videos of your class or group in action. Announce special events or performances. Hey Waterloo! This is a great place to Show Us Your Stuff. Go Now.

A bit about Tabs

Guitar tabs got you spooked? For a really good explanation of how guitar tabs work check out 4 Skills for New Guitar Players here. This FREE course explains how tabs work and gives you tabs for many familiar songs. Many FREE tabs are also available here. Now ask yourself “What is the best, easiest, and

Woolwich Good Vibrations Community Music Club

The Woolwich Good Vibrations Music Club is a Community Club in Woolwich for people interested in creating music. The WGVMC is organized and sponsored by Membership is open to all who are interested, but our focus is on serving residents (especially youth) of the KW area, and, in particular, Woolwich Township. Group courses being