More strings is not necessarily better. Often it is better to focus on fewer strings when chording. This is especially the case with an electric guitar.
Using your thumb to play the strings is one way to play the guitar, but using a pick can give your playing a sharper, crisper sound. Here are some hints on using a flat pick. Check out the Free Guitar Course at
Learn Guitar by Playing Simple Songs It is a challenge for a new guitar player to feel comfortable moving around the fretboard. Playing scales and exercises is one way to improve your guitar playing skills. An even better way is to play simple songs like the ones here. These and many other playalong songs are
Guitar tabs got you spooked? For a really good explanation of how guitar tabs work check out 4 Skills for New Guitar Players here. This FREE course explains how tabs work and gives you tabs for many familiar songs. Many FREE tabs are also available here. Now ask yourself “What is the best, easiest, and
I know, I know… playing scales over and over again is boring and may seem pointless. But here are 8 good reasons to work on scales every day. First, here’s the obvious stuff: 1. Playing Scales helps improve finger dexterity, strength and speed of your fingering hand. 2. Playing Scales helps improve the accuracy, speed
Here’s a great way to get going on the guitar. 4 Skills for New Guitar Players shows you how to play simple melodies, how to play chords, and how to strum along with songs. Get it now while it’s free!
The Woolwich Good Vibrations Music Club is a Community Club in Woolwich for people interested in creating music. The WGVMC is organized and sponsored by Membership is open to all who are interested, but our focus is on serving residents (especially youth) of the KW area, and, in particular, Woolwich Township. Group courses being