Introductory courses for guitar and ukulele beginners will soon be available for local (Waterloo Region) use at community facilities, schools, libraries and seniors facilities. The courses will feature recordings of live lesson presentations, gradually stepping through the various phases of learning how to play the ukulele or guitar. See Uke for Seniors for more info.
If you’re thinking of getting started playing guitar, here is some information that may be useful. You can find reviews of two other starter guitars on this page: Buying a Starter Guitar. The most important factors for most people just starting out on the guitar are: First, the size of the guitar. If it is
Here’s today’s quiz – How much do you know about guitars and guitar terminology? Do you know how to tune a ukulele? Do you know how many strings a bass guitar has? Don’t forget to Enter Here for the chance to win a guitar, ukulele, or equivalent value Amazon gift card. Enter once and you’re
For a limited time when one member joins the Woolwich Good Vibrations Music Club at the regular price ($10/mo) another friend or family member can join absolutely free for one year. See more here.
Join our Facebook Group – Young Musicians in Waterloo Region – Post pictures and videos of your class or group in action. Announce special events or performances. Hey Waterloo! This is a great place to Show Us Your Stuff. Go Now.
For a limited time when one member joins the Woolwich Good Vibrations Music Club at the regular price ($10/mo) another friend or family member can join absolutely free for one year. See more here.
Wonderwall was written by Noel Gallagher of Oasis, and released in 1995. It has consistently rated high on “best song” surveys over the years. To play along with this version (in F# minor) use a capo on fret 2 and play as if in the key of Em (or G). Notice the use of Sus